Just a Short Story #4 A Taxi Ride

I had to dash to get the last bus after having a great time with my friends. I ran hard. Unfortunately, I missed it.

So I needed to get a taxi to my place. That was a long line, and finally, it was my turn. I got into the taxi and said the way to my home.

The taxi driver seemed to be very elderly for me, and his driving speed was quite slow and careful. And we caught on some signals. I thought it took a lot of time and much more fare than usual. It was not my day.

But against my expectation, the fare was less than usual.

I was so surprised and apologized to him in my mind.


ぽっけのおへやプログラム:Eric Carleの絵本を題材に子どもの感性と細かな運動スキル(Fine Motor Skill)を育む

Student Stories #1 英語の定期テスト全て満点!Congrats!

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