Just a Short Story #3 In The Rain

It was heavy rain. I saw a girl who was strongly complaining to her boyfriend. Her voice was so loud because I heard it through my hooded raincoat and the sound of the heavy rain. 

The boy was sharing his small folding umbrella with her. But they were both getting wet because the umbrella was too small for both of them. It was useless. I understood his tenderness, and I hoped she would stop complaining and notice his kindness. 

But more than that, I really wanted her to notice that she was holding her own big umbrella with her left arm. She should have used it for herself instead of sharing her boyfriend's umbrella.

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ぽっけのおへやプログラム:Eric Carleの絵本を題材に子どもの感性と細かな運動スキル(Fine Motor Skill)を育む

Student Stories #1 英語の定期テスト全て満点!Congrats!

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